KWETB Baltinglass and Blessington Further Education and Training Centres provide accessible learning opportunities for individuals of all ages and experience levels, ensuring that education is available to everyone, no matter their stage of life.

Our centres play a pivotal role in meeting the educational needs of the local communities; offering tailored programs that address both current and emerging skills, relevant to the needs of individuals and the local counties across Kildare and Wicklow.

KWETB Blessington & Baltinglass FET Centres are co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.

 If you are interested in any of our courses please contact

Blessington 045 891099


Baltinglass 059 6482642



Youth Advocacy

Part-Time Courses


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KWETB 2024-25

What People Are Saying

ABE Student

“I don’t know what it’s like for other people but it is very embarrassing for me having dyslexia.  As an adult and a mother, I felt I should be able to help my sons when they were at school. Having dyslexia meant I couldn’t help them with their homework. This was very hard for me.  

I find that my problems with reading affects everything. I feel lost when I am faced with paper work. Shopping is difficult – it is hard to identify items – what is in some jars etc. I have had to find my own coping strategies and have learned how to find ways around it.

Coming to adult education classes has helped me a lot. The tutors take more time, in small group classes and one to one support too. The tutor explains things to me in a way that I can understand.

The computer classes helped me an awful lot. I am learning now in a different way. I have learned how to use a keyboard and this is helping me with spellings. I practise spellings and do puzzle books online. I used to get bored easily and enjoy this type of ‘training your brain’. It helps me to stay stimulated.

The classes made a lot of difference to me. I am not as panicky now, and feel more relaxed. I am more sure of myself and am not stressing out like I used to – I feel a lot calmer. I am able to relax and look for the letter. When I don’t understand something that somebody says to me, I ask them to explain what they are saying.

My class is time for me and gets me out of the house. That’s what I like, to get out and look at new things. I have never done this before. It is great to be doing things that I’ve never done before!”

BTEI Student

“I started in Blessington Education Centre not knowing what to expect. Being a mature student I was very nervous. I didn’t know if I would get through the first two modules let alone eight. I have to say I needn’t have worried because from the time I walked into the classroom till the day I finished my eight modules I received nothing but kindness and encouragement from my Tutors and all the staff in the centre. Their belief in me encouraged a belief in myself and my ability to complete all eight modules; not only that, but to enjoy doing so. While doing the modules I learned a lot about my course but also about myself. I had never had positive experiences while going to school and I suppose I had a pre-conceived idea of how I would get on in the Education Centre, I was wrong. With the encouragement and positive feedback from my Tutors I found a love of learning and doing the course ( something I have always wanted to do but talked myself out of) I proved to myself that I could do it. I would highly recommend the courses down in the Education Centre not only to the younger generation but also to the people who like myself have grown up children and have time to start a new chapter. I cannot thank my Tutors enough for their thoughtfulness and going above and beyond to help me to achieve the goal I set myself the day I walked into the Education Centre.”

Youthreach Student

“My experience of Youthreach was the best educational experience I will ever have. I learned how to cook, how to communicate effectively, how to write emails, memos and many other valuable life skills. I also got the opportunity to learn how to rock climb, kayak and work well as a team. The staff at west Wicklow Youthreach were endlessly supportive and encouraging.

Thanks to the head start Youthreach gave me in my educational career, I am now in a position where I am predicted to get an overall distinction in QQI Level 5 Animal Care and intend to open my own dog grooming/training business by the end of 2021.“

VTOS Student

“The year I spent at the Further Education Centre Blessington was a fantastic experience. The atmosphere was welcoming and supportive. The staff and fellow class mates made for a positive and rewarding experience both at an educational and personal level. On completion of the course I had a huge sense of achievement. Everyone appeared more confident and self-assured.  

A wide range of subjects were covered on this course which stimulated and motivated us to become more interested in how society works. This course equipped us with new skills to improve our employment opportunities. For others it generated an interest in continuing in education. If you get a chance to undertake a course at the KWETB on any of their programmes grab it with both hands. You will succeed if you have an open mind and are prepared to enjoy the opportunity to learn.”

BTEI Student

“As I was finishing my last modules of my Level 5 Early Childhood Care and Education Course, I decided that as I enjoyed the Level 5 course that I would like to undertake the Level 6 course which was being run in Baltinglass. I knew there would be a lot more work involved but as I was in the studying mind frame it made sense to continue on with my studies. I have found the course very interesting and also challenging at times. My tutor was excellent and was always available if I needed a question answered or to give some encouragement. To anyone considering doing this course, go for it. When you have your certificate in your hand all the hard work will be worth it.”

KWETB Adult Guidance Service

Free, impartial, and confidential advice on courses and career options.


Blessington Further Education and Training Centre
Eircode W91 HDH9

Directions →


Baltinglass Further Education and Training Centre
Eircode W91 F4A9

Directions →