West Wicklow Youthreach is an alternative education and training programme for early school leavers aged 16-21. We offer QQI level 3 and 4 junior and leaving cert equivalent, and personal development programmes in a welcoming and supportive environment.
Our programme is 2 years full time with a range of exciting course modules to capture all interests in areas such as Health & Fitness, Healthy Eating & Cooking, Science, Art & Design, Sustainable Education, and Technology.
We also provide valuable practical and skills-based workshops and training which complement our academic offerings such as First Aid Response (FAR) and Manual Handling.
Learners are supported to complete work experience, hone their individual strengths, and start planning their future path to the world of work or higher education.
We also provide a wide range of extra-curricular and external accreditation opportunities which build confidence and enhance any CV.
Learners on the Youthreach programme can avail of tailored personal and progression supports to achieve their education or career goals.
There are no fees for attending West Wicklow Youthreach.
Contact us for more information:
086 815 9593
+353 (0) 45 891099
+353 (0) 45 851498
What We Offer
Awards & Initiatives
We provide a variety of tailored services and supports to help students to reach their potential and grow in confidence so that they can plan their next steps in education and life.
KWETB Youth Advocacy
Angela Glynn-
Phone: 087 2049031
Career guidance, counselling, mentoring, advocacy & information;
Develop your own career plan with the advocate;
Identify your interests, skills and abilities;
Explore education, training & employment opportunities;
Grant assistance & advice.
Free in-house counselling service for students
Links to external services/agencies
Literacy & Numeracy
Tailored individual supports for literacy & numeracy
Reasonable accommodations for exams and assessments
BKSB Assessments
Digital Skills & Tecnology
Individual & group supports
Assistive technology training
Certification & Progression
The Level 3 Certificate enables learners to gain recognition for, specific personal skills, practical skills and knowledge, basic transferable skills, the enhancement of individual talents and qualities and achievements and learning relevant to a variety of progression options.
A full QQI Level 3 award is a recognised junior cert equivalent qualification.
The Level 4 Certificate enables learners to gain recognition for the achievement of vocational and personal skills, knowledge and understanding to specified standards, the enhancement of individual talents and qualities and the achievement and learning relevant to a variety of progression options, including employment at an introductory vocational level, and programmes leading to a Level 5 Certificate.
A full QQI Level 4 award is a recognised leaving cert equivalent qualification.
Youthreach Progression Roadmap
“Youthreach Testimony My experience of Youthreach was the best educational experience I will ever have. I learned how to cook, how to communicate effectively, how to write emails, memos and many other valuable life skills. I also got the opportunity to learn how to rock climb, kayak and work well as a team. The staff at west Wicklow Youthreach were endlessly supportive and encouraging.
Thanks to the head start Youthreach gave me in my educational career, I am now in a position where I am predicted to get an overall distinction in QQI Level 5 Animal Care and intend to open my own dog grooming/training business by the end of 2021. “
— Caroline Quigley
“My time at Youthreach was great. From the first day I was instantly welcomed by everyone, both staff and students and also those from the adult courses. I learned so many valuable skills that I couldn’t have learned in school which I not only carried into my QQI level 5 Forensics course last year, but also into my new university. I made great friends and had amazing support my entire time on the programme. Being autistic, I learned how to communicate effectively with others and it also prepared me for college where I would be around bigger groups of people, both of which have allowed me to sit on and even briefly chair multiple societies within my university.
I learned to enjoy subjects like maths and had the best time there. I loved it so much and cannot recommend it enough to those who are considering going.”
— Molly Gaffney
This short film features the unfiltered voices and feedback from our learners on their experience over their time spent in West Wicklow Youthreach. They are the reason that we do what we do, and they say better than we ever could why our programme works so well for so many learners, and why we believe so strongly in the transformative power of education for everyone.
“Student Voice”